Job Development

The goal of Job Development is to find a job that meets the needs of an individual with disabilities while matching the needs of an employer. This section of the certification process will enhance your skills in arranging meetings, making presentations, identifying potential employment tasks, conducting an Employer Needs and Benefits Analysis and negotiating for the final product—a job. Job Development begins with knowing the Learning Partner through Discovery and Customized Employment Planning. The information generated at the planning meeting serves as the springboard for contacting employers. While Discovery is the foundation of Customized Employment, Job Development becomes the culmination. As with Discovery, some states require this MG&A performance based certification to become a preferred provider. Please check with your state requirements.

Please note that you MUST have attended a Three-day MG&A Job Development Gateway Training before you may register for certification.  You must also have attended all three days. After attending the training, the cost of pursuing the 20 week certification process in Job Development is $850. THIS CERTIFICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. The fee for re-certification is $150.00 per area of certification.

Before registering read our:

Job Development Handbook PDF


For participants, download our:

Job Development Activity Log